17553037111   18765879198

Time:2019-03-20 14:01:01       来源:http://www.jnkbjx.com/      

1.检查空压机各零件局部能否完好,各维护安装、仪表、阀门、管路及接头能否有损坏或松动。 2.略为翻开油气桶底部的排水阀,排出光滑油下部积存的冷凝水和污物,见到有油流出即打开,以防光滑油过早乳化蜕变。 3.检查油气桶油位能否在油位计二条刻度线之间,缺乏时应补充。留意加油前确认系统内无压力(油位以停机非常钟后察看为准,在运转中油位较停机时稍低)。 4.新机次开机或停用较长时间又开机,应先拆下空气过滤器盖,从进气口参加约0.5升左右光滑油,以防起动机遇内失油烧损。 5.确认系统内无压力。 6.翻开排气阀门。 7. 检测衔接空压机的电缆,电压能否契合厂家请求(电压360V-410V之间),请求设备未开机和开机工作后都要检测,有些工厂静态电压无异常,负载后电压降落,会招致电机过载。

1. Check whether the parts of the air compressor are in good condition, whether the maintenance and installation, meters, valves, pipelines and joints are damaged or loosened. 2. Open the drain valve at the bottom of the oil and gas barrel slightly, drain the condensate and dirt accumulated at the bottom of the smooth oil, and open it when oil flows out, so as to prevent premature emulsification and degeneration of the smooth oil. 3. Check whether the oil level of oil and gas barrel can be between the two calibration lines of oil level gauge, when it is lacking, it should be supplemented. Make sure that there is no pressure in the system before refueling (oil level should be checked ten minutes after shutdown, which is slightly lower in operation than when shutdown). 4. When the new engine starts or stops working for a long time and starts again, the cover of the air filter should be removed first, and about 0.5 litres of smooth oil should be added from the intake port to prevent loss of oil and burning in the starting opportunity. 5. Make sure there is no pressure in the system. 6. Open the exhaust valve. 7. Test whether the voltage of the cable connected to the air compressor meets the manufacturer's request (voltage between 360V and 410V). If the request equipment is not turned on and turned on, it must be tested. Some factories have no abnormal static voltage. The voltage drop after load will cause overload of the motor.
II. Starting steps
1.合上开关手把。 2.点动,检查电动机转向能否正确,有加装换相维护安装的除外。 3.确认手动阀处于“卸载”状态,按下“起动”按钮即正式运转,于数秒后,将手动阀拨“加载”位置,压力逐步上升额定压力,而光滑油低于排气压力0.25Mpa左右。 4.察看运转能否平稳,声音能否正常,空气对流能否畅通,仪表读数能否正常,能否走漏。
1. Close the switch handle. 2. Point, check whether the motor steering is correct, except for installation, commutation maintenance and installation. 3. To confirm that the manual valve is in the "unloading" state, press the "start" button to operate formally. After a few seconds, the manual valve is set to the "loading" position, and the pressure gradually rises to the rated pressure, while the smooth oil is lower than the exhaust pressure of about 0.25 Mpa. 4. Check whether the operation is stable, whether the sound is normal, whether the air convection is smooth, whether the instrument reading is normal, whether leaks.
III. Notices in Operation
1.经常察看各仪表能否正常。 2.经常倾听空压机各部位运转声音能否正常。 3.经常检查有无渗漏现象。 4.在运转中如发现油位计上看不到油位,应立刻停机,10分钟后再察看油位,如缺乏,待系统内无压力时再补充。 5.经常坚持空压机表面及四周场所洁净,严禁在空压机上放置任何物件,如工具、抹布、衣物、手套等。 6.遇有特殊状况,按“急停处置”。
1. Check every instrument regularly. 2. Listen regularly to the sound of air compressor operation. 3. Check for leakage regularly. 4. If the oil level can not be seen on the oil level gauge in operation, stop immediately and check the oil level 10 minutes later. If there is a lack of oil level, replenish it when there is no pressure in the system. 5. Often adhere to the air compressor surface and surrounding areas clean, strictly prohibit the placement of any objects in the air compressor, such as tools, rags, clothing, gloves, etc. 6. In case of special circumstances, the case shall be handled as "urgent".
Four, shutdown
先将 手动阀拨“卸载”位置将空压机卸载,十秒左右后,再按下“中止”按钮,电机中止运转,开关手把打零位。
Put the manual valve to the "unloading" position to unload the air compressor. After ten seconds or so, press the "stop" button. The motor stops running and the switch handle is set to zero.
Emergency shutdown
1.当呈现下列状况之一时,应紧急停机: (1)呈现异常声响或振动时; (2)排气压力超越平安阀设定压力而平安阀未翻开; (3)排气温度超越100度时未自动停机; (4)四周发作紧急状况时; 2.紧急停机时,无需先卸载,可直接按下“中止”钮。
1. When one of the following situations occurs, emergency shutdown should be made: (1) when abnormal sound or vibration occurs; (2) when exhaust pressure exceeds the set pressure of safety valve and safety valve does not open; (3) when exhaust temperature exceeds 100 degrees, it does not automatically shut down; (4) when emergency occurs around; and (2) when emergency shutdown occurs, it is not necessary to unload first, it can directly press the "stop" button.

电话:0531-85963300      手机:17553037111   18765879198    地址:济南市天桥区无影山中路130号重汽彩世界     备案号:鲁ICP备18021911号-1

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